Thriving with ADHD with Nafisa Choudhury, Clinical Psychologist
Our Thriving with ADHD course is an online series of four workshops curated to equip individuals with helpful tools and strategies to navigate life with ADHD. Led by Nafisa Choudhury, a clinical psychologist with extensive experience in the field of neurodivergence and ADHD, this comprehensive program offers support through exploring a range of both evidence-based practices and holistic guidance.
Participants will further their understanding of ADHD through 6 modules, including the neuropsychology of ADHD, key traits, treatment options and helpful skills and strategies. This course is suitable for those with a formal ADHD diagnosis or those who are self-diagnosed. To find out more about this course or sign up to participate, please contact Bodhi and Psychology reception. |
Workshops we offerDecolonising Your Clinical Practice
Early Career Group Supervision for Provisional Psychologists Diversity and Inclusion training packages (see Corporate Packages) Mental Health strategies and team planning for the workplace |
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